The benefit to our growers is that we are growers at heart. We started as farmers of almonds and in our search for the highest grower return we entered into the marketing of our own almonds. Our family has been involved in agriculture in the San Joaquin valley of California for nearly 100 years.
Our Core Values are:
Unequivocal excellence in all aspects of the company.
- Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, Dependability
- Progress through innovation and adaptability
- Excellence in reputation
- Provide customer satisfaction
It is because of our long family history and core values that we feel we are a good partner for growers to help them receive the highest return. Through our nearly 15 year history dealing with outside growers we have consistently been one of the industries top returning pools.
Because of our family ownership of Pacific Almond we can provide growers with any or all aspects of hulling shelling, processing or marketing. We provide both pool and call pool marketing options.
We strive to build lasting relationships that bring both our family, our growers and our customers value. We do not desire to be the largest, only the most repected.